
Connect with experts all over the world and learn how to create infinite amounts of leverage in your life and business by going deeper into your craft.

What is Incubator?

Incubator is our "Academy of Mastery". Connect with other experts all over the world and learn how to finally create infinite amounts of leverage in your life and business by going deeper into your craft.

This is perfect for you if you are:

  • An expert in a particular craft.
  • Are a full time entrepreneur.
  • Already cracked the "online code" (you have figured out how to either market, sell, or fulfill using the internet).
  • Want to ruthlessly focus on leverage by aligning the entire business to you and your expertise so you can focus completely on doing what you are great at and what you love.
  • Want to learn how to charge the most amount for the least amount of work by only focussing on your expertise.

This is all about slowing down to speed up. Create space to be curious about your true value, real expertise, and your deep wisdom. Then finally start charging what you are worth and aligning how you market, sell, and fulfill completely to you.

No one likes sales calls so you can just enroll whenever you want. If you're hesitant, join the Kollege group and hang out there first.